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Types of Data | Basic Concepts
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Зміст курсу

Learning Statistics with Python

Types of DataTypes of Data

We've developed some skills; now, let's delve deeper into the data types in statistics. Take a look at the image:

Types of Data

Let's now consider a sample of people with two variables:

  • number of teeth;
  • height.

The number of teeth is considered a discrete variable because teeth are counted in whole numbers, and you cannot have a fractional or decimal part of a tooth. Each individual has a specific, countable number of teeth, and the count is a distinct and separate value.

In contrast, height is considered a continuous variable because it can take on any value within a certain range, and there is an infinite number of values in the interval between any two values of heights.


Match the part of data with its type.

Dark hair, Blond hair, Red hair
Junior developer, Middle Developer, Senior Developer

The number of students at the university

Fahrenheit temperatures


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Секція 1. Розділ 3
course content

Зміст курсу

Learning Statistics with Python

Types of DataTypes of Data

We've developed some skills; now, let's delve deeper into the data types in statistics. Take a look at the image:

Types of Data

Let's now consider a sample of people with two variables:

  • number of teeth;
  • height.

The number of teeth is considered a discrete variable because teeth are counted in whole numbers, and you cannot have a fractional or decimal part of a tooth. Each individual has a specific, countable number of teeth, and the count is a distinct and separate value.

In contrast, height is considered a continuous variable because it can take on any value within a certain range, and there is an infinite number of values in the interval between any two values of heights.


Match the part of data with its type.

Dark hair, Blond hair, Red hair
Junior developer, Middle Developer, Senior Developer

The number of students at the university

Fahrenheit temperatures


Натисніть або перетягніть елементи та заповніть пропуски

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Секція 1. Розділ 3