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Checking for NO Value | Filtering Data
Introduction to SQL

Checking for NO ValueChecking for NO Value

When a column doesn't have any value, it's regarded as having a NULL value. To identify whether a value is NULL, we check if it's equal to NULL. Alternatively, the SELECT statement provides a WHERE clause and an IS NULL clause, which is used to examine columns with NULL values.

Let's illustrate this with an example:


Write an SQL query that returns the name and capital columns with no population.

Here's a short example of the country table:

1JapanAsiaEastern Asia377829Tokyo126714000
3MexicoNorth AmericaCentral America1958201Mexico City98881000
15MaltaEuropeSouthern Europe316Valletta380200

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Introduction to SQL

Checking for NO ValueChecking for NO Value

When a column doesn't have any value, it's regarded as having a NULL value. To identify whether a value is NULL, we check if it's equal to NULL. Alternatively, the SELECT statement provides a WHERE clause and an IS NULL clause, which is used to examine columns with NULL values.

Let's illustrate this with an example:


Write an SQL query that returns the name and capital columns with no population.

Here's a short example of the country table:

1JapanAsiaEastern Asia377829Tokyo126714000
3MexicoNorth AmericaCentral America1958201Mexico City98881000
15MaltaEuropeSouthern Europe316Valletta380200

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