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Agile Methodology Example | Software Development Life Cycles
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Business Analysis Fundamentals

Agile Methodology ExampleAgile Methodology Example

Agile is the most flexible and, as a result, most commonly used methodology. Let's discover its workflow using an example.


In Agile methodology, a sprint refers to a time-boxed, fixed period of work during which a development team works on a specific set of tasks, features, or user stories.

Agile workflow

1. Project Initiation

  • Objective: Define the project's scope, objectives, and initial requirements;
  • Example: A company decides to develop a mobile app for tracking fitness activities.

2. Requirement Analysis

  • Objective: Gather and prioritize user stories, features, and requirements;
  • Example: In the fitness app project, requirements may include tracking workouts, setting goals, and viewing progress.

3. Iteration (Sprint) Planning and Design

  • Objective: Plan the first iteration (sprint) and design the initial features;
  • Example: Sprint 1 focuses on designing the user interface and creating the login system.

4. Iteration (Sprint) Development

  • Objective: Develop and test the features planned for the current iteration;
  • Example: During this sprint, developers build the login system and implement the basic workout tracking functionality.

5. Iteration (Sprint) Review and Feedback

  • Objective: Demonstrate the completed work to stakeholders for feedback;
  • Example: The product owner and users review the login system and provide feedback for improvements.

6. Iteration (Sprint) Adjustment

  • Objective: Make adjustments based on feedback and plan the next iteration;
  • Example: Feedback suggests improvements to the login process, which are incorporated into the backlog for future sprints.

7. Continuous Integration and Testing

  • Objective: Regularly integrate code changes and perform automated testing;
  • Example: Automated tests ensure that new code additions do not break existing functionality.

8. Continuous Deployment

  • Objective: Automate the deployment process to release new increments to users;
  • Example: Each successful sprint results in a deployment to provide users with the latest features and improvements.

9. Monitoring and Feedback Loop

  • Objective: Continuously monitor the product in use, gather user feedback, and adjust priorities accordingly;
  • Example: Users of the fitness app provide feedback about bugs and desired features, which are added to the backlog and addressed in future sprints.

10. Project Closure

  • Objective: Wrap up the project, gather lessons learned, and plan for the next project or iteration;
  • Example: The fitness app project is considered complete when all planned features are implemented, and it has been well-received by users.

11. Ongoing Maintenance and Improvement

  • Objective: Continue to enhance the product based on user needs and market changes;
  • Example: The fitness app team releases regular updates to add new workouts, improve performance, and fix any reported issues.

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course content

Зміст курсу

Business Analysis Fundamentals

Agile Methodology ExampleAgile Methodology Example

Agile is the most flexible and, as a result, most commonly used methodology. Let's discover its workflow using an example.


In Agile methodology, a sprint refers to a time-boxed, fixed period of work during which a development team works on a specific set of tasks, features, or user stories.

Agile workflow

1. Project Initiation

  • Objective: Define the project's scope, objectives, and initial requirements;
  • Example: A company decides to develop a mobile app for tracking fitness activities.

2. Requirement Analysis

  • Objective: Gather and prioritize user stories, features, and requirements;
  • Example: In the fitness app project, requirements may include tracking workouts, setting goals, and viewing progress.

3. Iteration (Sprint) Planning and Design

  • Objective: Plan the first iteration (sprint) and design the initial features;
  • Example: Sprint 1 focuses on designing the user interface and creating the login system.

4. Iteration (Sprint) Development

  • Objective: Develop and test the features planned for the current iteration;
  • Example: During this sprint, developers build the login system and implement the basic workout tracking functionality.

5. Iteration (Sprint) Review and Feedback

  • Objective: Demonstrate the completed work to stakeholders for feedback;
  • Example: The product owner and users review the login system and provide feedback for improvements.

6. Iteration (Sprint) Adjustment

  • Objective: Make adjustments based on feedback and plan the next iteration;
  • Example: Feedback suggests improvements to the login process, which are incorporated into the backlog for future sprints.

7. Continuous Integration and Testing

  • Objective: Regularly integrate code changes and perform automated testing;
  • Example: Automated tests ensure that new code additions do not break existing functionality.

8. Continuous Deployment

  • Objective: Automate the deployment process to release new increments to users;
  • Example: Each successful sprint results in a deployment to provide users with the latest features and improvements.

9. Monitoring and Feedback Loop

  • Objective: Continuously monitor the product in use, gather user feedback, and adjust priorities accordingly;
  • Example: Users of the fitness app provide feedback about bugs and desired features, which are added to the backlog and addressed in future sprints.

10. Project Closure

  • Objective: Wrap up the project, gather lessons learned, and plan for the next project or iteration;
  • Example: The fitness app project is considered complete when all planned features are implemented, and it has been well-received by users.

11. Ongoing Maintenance and Improvement

  • Objective: Continue to enhance the product based on user needs and market changes;
  • Example: The fitness app team releases regular updates to add new workouts, improve performance, and fix any reported issues.

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