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Теорія ймовірностей
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Теорія ймовірностей

Теорія ймовірностей

1. Ознайомемося з основними правилами
2. Ймовірності декількох подій
3. Проводимо захоплюючі експерименти
4. Дискретні розподіли
5. Нормальний розподіл

Перший експеримент

To be a data analyst, it is crucial to understand that we are going to conduct a lot of experiments. Here, we are going to get acquainted with several gripping functions!

Real-life example:

Imagine that we are working for a real estate agency, and we need to know how many positive answers we will get from all interviewees.

In this course, we will learn such interesting functions programming-wise.

Look at the example and everything will be clear:

General formula:

In this experiment, we will work with the binom.pmf(k, n, p) function. This function helps calculate the probability of receiving exactly k successes among n trials with the probability of success for each experiment p.


  1. As usual, we are importing objects from scipy.stats with this code from scipy.stats import binom.
  2. binom.pmf(k = 1000, n = 20000, p=0.20) the probability of getting 1000 successes amoung 20 000 trials with the probability of success 20%.

Interesting fact:

The result of our code is zero, but we worked with an enormous sample; in the task, we will receive a more understandable result.


Imagine that our task is to do some calculations for a charity organization just for practice.

Your task here is to calculate the probability that exactly 5 kittens will find a home; there are 12 kittens in the shelter. In this city, kittens are taken from a shelter with a probability of 75%. Import relevant library to do it.

  1. Import binom object from scipy.stats.
  2. Calculate the probability that exactly 5 kittens out of 12 will find a home with the probability of success 75%.

The output here is going to be less hopeful.


Imagine that our task is to do some calculations for a charity organization just for practice.

Your task here is to calculate the probability that exactly 5 kittens will find a home; there are 12 kittens in the shelter. In this city, kittens are taken from a shelter with a probability of 75%. Import relevant library to do it.

  1. Import binom object from scipy.stats.
  2. Calculate the probability that exactly 5 kittens out of 12 will find a home with the probability of success 75%.

The output here is going to be less hopeful.

Все було зрозуміло?

Секція 3. Розділ 1
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Перший експеримент

To be a data analyst, it is crucial to understand that we are going to conduct a lot of experiments. Here, we are going to get acquainted with several gripping functions!

Real-life example:

Imagine that we are working for a real estate agency, and we need to know how many positive answers we will get from all interviewees.

In this course, we will learn such interesting functions programming-wise.

Look at the example and everything will be clear:

General formula:

In this experiment, we will work with the binom.pmf(k, n, p) function. This function helps calculate the probability of receiving exactly k successes among n trials with the probability of success for each experiment p.


  1. As usual, we are importing objects from scipy.stats with this code from scipy.stats import binom.
  2. binom.pmf(k = 1000, n = 20000, p=0.20) the probability of getting 1000 successes amoung 20 000 trials with the probability of success 20%.

Interesting fact:

The result of our code is zero, but we worked with an enormous sample; in the task, we will receive a more understandable result.


Imagine that our task is to do some calculations for a charity organization just for practice.

Your task here is to calculate the probability that exactly 5 kittens will find a home; there are 12 kittens in the shelter. In this city, kittens are taken from a shelter with a probability of 75%. Import relevant library to do it.

  1. Import binom object from scipy.stats.
  2. Calculate the probability that exactly 5 kittens out of 12 will find a home with the probability of success 75%.

The output here is going to be less hopeful.


Imagine that our task is to do some calculations for a charity organization just for practice.

Your task here is to calculate the probability that exactly 5 kittens will find a home; there are 12 kittens in the shelter. In this city, kittens are taken from a shelter with a probability of 75%. Import relevant library to do it.

  1. Import binom object from scipy.stats.
  2. Calculate the probability that exactly 5 kittens out of 12 will find a home with the probability of success 75%.

The output here is going to be less hopeful.

Все було зрозуміло?

Секція 3. Розділ 1
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Перший експеримент

To be a data analyst, it is crucial to understand that we are going to conduct a lot of experiments. Here, we are going to get acquainted with several gripping functions!

Real-life example:

Imagine that we are working for a real estate agency, and we need to know how many positive answers we will get from all interviewees.

In this course, we will learn such interesting functions programming-wise.

Look at the example and everything will be clear:

General formula:

In this experiment, we will work with the binom.pmf(k, n, p) function. This function helps calculate the probability of receiving exactly k successes among n trials with the probability of success for each experiment p.


  1. As usual, we are importing objects from scipy.stats with this code from scipy.stats import binom.
  2. binom.pmf(k = 1000, n = 20000, p=0.20) the probability of getting 1000 successes amoung 20 000 trials with the probability of success 20%.

Interesting fact:

The result of our code is zero, but we worked with an enormous sample; in the task, we will receive a more understandable result.


Imagine that our task is to do some calculations for a charity organization just for practice.

Your task here is to calculate the probability that exactly 5 kittens will find a home; there are 12 kittens in the shelter. In this city, kittens are taken from a shelter with a probability of 75%. Import relevant library to do it.

  1. Import binom object from scipy.stats.
  2. Calculate the probability that exactly 5 kittens out of 12 will find a home with the probability of success 75%.

The output here is going to be less hopeful.


Imagine that our task is to do some calculations for a charity organization just for practice.

Your task here is to calculate the probability that exactly 5 kittens will find a home; there are 12 kittens in the shelter. In this city, kittens are taken from a shelter with a probability of 75%. Import relevant library to do it.

  1. Import binom object from scipy.stats.
  2. Calculate the probability that exactly 5 kittens out of 12 will find a home with the probability of success 75%.

The output here is going to be less hopeful.

Все було зрозуміло?

To be a data analyst, it is crucial to understand that we are going to conduct a lot of experiments. Here, we are going to get acquainted with several gripping functions!

Real-life example:

Imagine that we are working for a real estate agency, and we need to know how many positive answers we will get from all interviewees.

In this course, we will learn such interesting functions programming-wise.

Look at the example and everything will be clear:

General formula:

In this experiment, we will work with the binom.pmf(k, n, p) function. This function helps calculate the probability of receiving exactly k successes among n trials with the probability of success for each experiment p.


  1. As usual, we are importing objects from scipy.stats with this code from scipy.stats import binom.
  2. binom.pmf(k = 1000, n = 20000, p=0.20) the probability of getting 1000 successes amoung 20 000 trials with the probability of success 20%.

Interesting fact:

The result of our code is zero, but we worked with an enormous sample; in the task, we will receive a more understandable result.


Imagine that our task is to do some calculations for a charity organization just for practice.

Your task here is to calculate the probability that exactly 5 kittens will find a home; there are 12 kittens in the shelter. In this city, kittens are taken from a shelter with a probability of 75%. Import relevant library to do it.

  1. Import binom object from scipy.stats.
  2. Calculate the probability that exactly 5 kittens out of 12 will find a home with the probability of success 75%.

The output here is going to be less hopeful.

Секція 3. Розділ 1
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