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Теорія ймовірностей
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Теорія ймовірностей

Теорія ймовірностей

1. Ознайомемося з основними правилами
2. Ймовірності декількох подій
3. Проводимо захоплюючі експерименти
4. Дискретні розподіли
5. Нормальний розподіл



Imagine you posted something to your favorite social network and decided to calculate the number of likes and decide to calculate the probability receive 990990 likes. Follow the algorithm:

  1. Import poisson object.
  2. Calculate the probability of receiving exactly 990990 likes with the mean value 1000000.

Look to the graph that corresponds to the distribution:



Imagine you posted something to your favorite social network and decided to calculate the number of likes and decide to calculate the probability receive 990990 likes. Follow the algorithm:

  1. Import poisson object.
  2. Calculate the probability of receiving exactly 990990 likes with the mean value 1000000.

Look to the graph that corresponds to the distribution:


Все було зрозуміло?

Секція 4. Розділ 7
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Imagine you posted something to your favorite social network and decided to calculate the number of likes and decide to calculate the probability receive 990990 likes. Follow the algorithm:

  1. Import poisson object.
  2. Calculate the probability of receiving exactly 990990 likes with the mean value 1000000.

Look to the graph that corresponds to the distribution:



Imagine you posted something to your favorite social network and decided to calculate the number of likes and decide to calculate the probability receive 990990 likes. Follow the algorithm:

  1. Import poisson object.
  2. Calculate the probability of receiving exactly 990990 likes with the mean value 1000000.

Look to the graph that corresponds to the distribution:


Все було зрозуміло?

Секція 4. Розділ 7
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Imagine you posted something to your favorite social network and decided to calculate the number of likes and decide to calculate the probability receive 990990 likes. Follow the algorithm:

  1. Import poisson object.
  2. Calculate the probability of receiving exactly 990990 likes with the mean value 1000000.

Look to the graph that corresponds to the distribution:



Imagine you posted something to your favorite social network and decided to calculate the number of likes and decide to calculate the probability receive 990990 likes. Follow the algorithm:

  1. Import poisson object.
  2. Calculate the probability of receiving exactly 990990 likes with the mean value 1000000.

Look to the graph that corresponds to the distribution:


Все було зрозуміло?


Imagine you posted something to your favorite social network and decided to calculate the number of likes and decide to calculate the probability receive 990990 likes. Follow the algorithm:

  1. Import poisson object.
  2. Calculate the probability of receiving exactly 990990 likes with the mean value 1000000.

Look to the graph that corresponds to the distribution:


Секція 4. Розділ 7
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