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Типи даних у Python
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Типи даних у Python

Типи даних у Python

1. Знайомство з числами в Python
2. Істина чи брехня?
3. Рядки
4. Поєднання всіх тем разом

How to Define a Type

We've previously come across float and integer types, so now we can tell whether a value is a float or an integer. Can you guess what the result of the math operation 6/1.5 might be? It's easy to calculate that it equals 4, but what type does 4 belong to? It might seem like an integer, but it's actually a float. To confirm its type, you can use the type() function.

variable = 6/1.5 print(variable) print(type(variable))

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  1. Check the type of the number1 variable.
  2. Check the type of the number2 variable.


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How to Define a Type

We've previously come across float and integer types, so now we can tell whether a value is a float or an integer. Can you guess what the result of the math operation 6/1.5 might be? It's easy to calculate that it equals 4, but what type does 4 belong to? It might seem like an integer, but it's actually a float. To confirm its type, you can use the type() function.

variable = 6/1.5 print(variable) print(type(variable))

Swipe to start coding

  1. Check the type of the number1 variable.
  2. Check the type of the number2 variable.


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Секція 1. Розділ 7
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