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Вивчайте Mutable or Immutable? | Знайомство з числами в Python
Типи даних у Python
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Типи даних у Python

Типи даних у Python

1. Знайомство з числами в Python
2. Істина чи брехня?
3. Рядки
4. Поєднання всіх тем разом

Mutable or Immutable?

It is necessary to understand that there are mutable and immutable data types. The first one can be changed after its creation, but the second one prohibits us from making any modifications.

Immutable data types, as the name implies, cannot be changed once they're made.
In contrast, mutable data types are objects that can be altered after they're created.


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Change the value of the variable var1 to be 150.

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Mutable or Immutable?

It is necessary to understand that there are mutable and immutable data types. The first one can be changed after its creation, but the second one prohibits us from making any modifications.

Immutable data types, as the name implies, cannot be changed once they're made.
In contrast, mutable data types are objects that can be altered after they're created.


Swipe to start coding

Change the value of the variable var1 to be 150.

Once you've completed this task, click the button below the code to check your solution.


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