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Challenge: Solving the Task Using Inclusion-Exclusion Principle | Probability of Complex Events
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Зміст курсу

Probability Theory Basics

Challenge: Solving the Task Using Inclusion-Exclusion PrincipleChallenge: Solving the Task Using Inclusion-Exclusion Principle


Let's imagine one situation that may be real for you. You have a tasty basket with:

  • 5 cookies with a cherry jam,
  • 5 chocolate cookies,
  • 10 chocolate candies,
  • 5 chocolate bars,
  • 15 biscuits,
  • 10 bottles of lemonade.

Calculate the probability that you will randomly pull out an item that includes chocolate, or a cookie.

We can divide our food into influential groups:

  1. The first one: cookies (ones with cherry jam and chocolate).
  2. The second one: is chocolate items (chocolate bars, candies, and chocolate cookies).

Follow the algorithm:

  1. Calculate the probability of pulling out a cookie.
  2. Calculate the probability of pulling out item that includes chocolate (chocolate sweet).
  3. Calculate the probability of pulling out a chocolate cookie.
  4. Calculate the resulting probability.

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Зміст курсу

Probability Theory Basics

Challenge: Solving the Task Using Inclusion-Exclusion PrincipleChallenge: Solving the Task Using Inclusion-Exclusion Principle


Let's imagine one situation that may be real for you. You have a tasty basket with:

  • 5 cookies with a cherry jam,
  • 5 chocolate cookies,
  • 10 chocolate candies,
  • 5 chocolate bars,
  • 15 biscuits,
  • 10 bottles of lemonade.

Calculate the probability that you will randomly pull out an item that includes chocolate, or a cookie.

We can divide our food into influential groups:

  1. The first one: cookies (ones with cherry jam and chocolate).
  2. The second one: is chocolate items (chocolate bars, candies, and chocolate cookies).

Follow the algorithm:

  1. Calculate the probability of pulling out a cookie.
  2. Calculate the probability of pulling out item that includes chocolate (chocolate sweet).
  3. Calculate the probability of pulling out a chocolate cookie.
  4. Calculate the resulting probability.

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