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Task - Using an API | Asynchronous Programming and Introduction to Web Services
Introduction to .NET with C#

Task - Using an APITask - Using an API

There is a free public API, it is called Numbers API. It has multiple endpoints, one of which returns a random fact about any date of the year.

The base code is given. The program takes a month number and a day number from the user.

Task: Make a request to the Numbers API to retrieve a random fact about that date.


The url at which you make a request will depend upon the date which the user enters. It means that the URL will not be fixed, rather, it would follow a format. You can read about the format of this API at: the Numbers API website.

The format of retrieving a fact about some date is:<month>/<day>/date where <month> represents the number of the month and <day> represents the number of the day. For example, if the user enters 11 for the month (which represents the 11th month - November) and 6 for the day, the URL will be:


  • Create a new variable called url and store the URL following the format explained in the Guidelines. You might need to use string formatting;
  • Create a new HttpClient() object;
  • Use the HttpClient object and make a GET request to the url;
  • Store the response of the HTTP request into a HttpResponseMessage object;
  • Extract the raw message text from the HttpResponseMessage object using ReadAsStringAsync method;
  • Display the message.


This task does not have unit tests. You can verify the correctness of your code based on a successful response from the API.

Link to the Task: GitHub
1. You can make an HTTP request using an HttpClient object.
2. The response of the HTTP request can be stored in an HttpResponseMessage object.

public class NumbersFact
    public static async Task Main()
        Console.WriteLine(">> This program gives you a random fact about any day of the year. ");

        Console.Write("Enter the number of month (1-12): ");
        int month = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

        Console.Write("Enter the number of day: ");
        int day = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

        // Write code below this line
        string url = $"{month}/{day}/date";
        HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
        HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(url);
        string responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
        Console.WriteLine("Fact: " + responseContent);
        // Write code above this line

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Section 2. Chapter 6
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Course Content

Introduction to .NET with C#

Task - Using an APITask - Using an API

There is a free public API, it is called Numbers API. It has multiple endpoints, one of which returns a random fact about any date of the year.

The base code is given. The program takes a month number and a day number from the user.

Task: Make a request to the Numbers API to retrieve a random fact about that date.


The url at which you make a request will depend upon the date which the user enters. It means that the URL will not be fixed, rather, it would follow a format. You can read about the format of this API at: the Numbers API website.

The format of retrieving a fact about some date is:<month>/<day>/date where <month> represents the number of the month and <day> represents the number of the day. For example, if the user enters 11 for the month (which represents the 11th month - November) and 6 for the day, the URL will be:


  • Create a new variable called url and store the URL following the format explained in the Guidelines. You might need to use string formatting;
  • Create a new HttpClient() object;
  • Use the HttpClient object and make a GET request to the url;
  • Store the response of the HTTP request into a HttpResponseMessage object;
  • Extract the raw message text from the HttpResponseMessage object using ReadAsStringAsync method;
  • Display the message.


This task does not have unit tests. You can verify the correctness of your code based on a successful response from the API.

Link to the Task: GitHub
1. You can make an HTTP request using an HttpClient object.
2. The response of the HTTP request can be stored in an HttpResponseMessage object.

public class NumbersFact
    public static async Task Main()
        Console.WriteLine(">> This program gives you a random fact about any day of the year. ");

        Console.Write("Enter the number of month (1-12): ");
        int month = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

        Console.Write("Enter the number of day: ");
        int day = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

        // Write code below this line
        string url = $"{month}/{day}/date";
        HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
        HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(url);
        string responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
        Console.WriteLine("Fact: " + responseContent);
        // Write code above this line

Everything was clear?

Section 2. Chapter 6