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Filtering Functionality | Building the Blog Website
AI Powered Coding

Filtering FunctionalityFiltering Functionality


Last but not least, the final step is to add functionality for filtering the articles by topic, which will be implemented using JavaScript.

Possible Prompt

Can you implement the feature of filtering articles by topic using HTML buttons and JavaScript?


index.html file

  • We add a nav block to the header where our filtering buttons will be placed;
  • We provide each article with the data-category attribute and the corresponding topic value;
  • We add the link to the index.js file before the closing body tag.

index.css file
We add some styles to make the filtering buttons look pretty.

index.js file
We paste the script that implements the filtering logic.

All this ChaGPT told us to do. We followed its instructions.







Code Description


Lines 12-16:
  • <nav>: Contains three buttons for filtering articles by category.
  • onclick="filterArticles('category')": Each button calls the filterArticles function with the respective category as a parameter when clicked.
Lines 26 52, 84: Each <article> has a data-category attribute indicating its category.


Lines 26-44:
  • Centers the navigation buttons and adds spacing.
  • Styles buttons with background color, padding, margin, cursor pointer, and hover effect.


Lines 1, 11: filterArticles(category){ }: Function to filter articles based on the category.
Line 2: Selects all articles in the main section.
Lines 4-10: Iterates over each article.
  • Line 5: Checks if the article matches the selected category or if "all" is selected.
  • Line 6: Displays matching articles.
  • Line 8: Hides non-matching articles.

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Section 4. Chapter 6
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AI Powered Coding

Filtering FunctionalityFiltering Functionality


Last but not least, the final step is to add functionality for filtering the articles by topic, which will be implemented using JavaScript.

Possible Prompt

Can you implement the feature of filtering articles by topic using HTML buttons and JavaScript?


index.html file

  • We add a nav block to the header where our filtering buttons will be placed;
  • We provide each article with the data-category attribute and the corresponding topic value;
  • We add the link to the index.js file before the closing body tag.

index.css file
We add some styles to make the filtering buttons look pretty.

index.js file
We paste the script that implements the filtering logic.

All this ChaGPT told us to do. We followed its instructions.







Code Description


Lines 12-16:
  • <nav>: Contains three buttons for filtering articles by category.
  • onclick="filterArticles('category')": Each button calls the filterArticles function with the respective category as a parameter when clicked.
Lines 26 52, 84: Each <article> has a data-category attribute indicating its category.


Lines 26-44:
  • Centers the navigation buttons and adds spacing.
  • Styles buttons with background color, padding, margin, cursor pointer, and hover effect.


Lines 1, 11: filterArticles(category){ }: Function to filter articles based on the category.
Line 2: Selects all articles in the main section.
Lines 4-10: Iterates over each article.
  • Line 5: Checks if the article matches the selected category or if "all" is selected.
  • Line 6: Displays matching articles.
  • Line 8: Hides non-matching articles.

Website State

Video Tutorial

Here you go. You did it. This is your complete, fully functional website. Great job!

Everything was clear?

Section 4. Chapter 6