Course Content
Introduction to Python
Introduction to Python
3. Conditional Statements
Boolean Data TypeChallenge: Comparison OperatorsCombining ConditionsChallenge: Logical OperatorsMembership Operators and Types ComparisonSimple if/else ExpressionsChallenge: Grocery StoreChallenge: Odd and Evenif/elif/else ExpressionsChallenge: Grocery Store ExtendedChallenge: Positive, Negative or Zero
Congratulations! As your code grows in size, it can become challenging to understand each part, even if you're the author.
That's why it's essential to get in the habit of leaving comments in your code. Comments help clarify the purpose or function of a specific code segment.
To designate a line as a comment, start it with the #
For instance,
print('Message 1') print('Message 2')
But remember, if you put a #
before the print()
statement, that line won't run.
#print('Message 1') print('Message 2')
Now, onto our question:
Everything was clear?
Thanks for your feedback!
Section 1. Chapter 2