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Learn How to Store Numbers in Python | Variables and Types in Python
Introduction to Python
course content

Course Content

Introduction to Python

Introduction to Python

1. First Acquaintance with Python
2. Variables and Types in Python
3. Conditional Statements in Python
4. Other Data Types in Python
5. Loops in Python
6. Functions in Python

How to Store Numbers in Python

Variables in programming serve as storage units for data, allowing you to reuse values without recalculating them each time. Instead of repeating the math, you can store the result in a variable and access it whenever needed.

To remember a value for later, we give it a name by using a variable. The equals sign = lets us set a value for that variable.

# Monthly salary salary = 4000 # Expenses rent = 1200 groceries = 500 # Calculate remaining balance balance = salary - rent - groceries print("Remaining balance:", balance)
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