Course Content
Introduction to Python
Introduction to Python
2. Variables and Types in Python
How to Store Numbers in PythonPython Naming Rules for VariablesHow to Work with Variables in PythonData Types in PythonChallenge: Converting Kilometers to MilesStore Text with Strings in PythonString Indexing in PythonNegative Indexing and String Length in PythonString Slicing in PythonChallenge: Retrieving Letters from StringString Concatenation in Python
3. Conditional Statements in Python
Boolean Data Type in PythonChallenge: Working with Comparison OperatorsHow to Combine Conditions in PythonChallenge: Working with Logical OperatorsMembership Operators and Type Comparisons in PythonHow to Use if/else Expressions in PythonChallenge: Running a Grocery StoreChallenge: Creating Odd and Even Logicif/elif/else ExpressionsChallenge: Running Grocery Store ExtendedChallenge: Weather Adviser
4. Other Data Types in Python
Python ListsCommon List Methods in PythonChallenge: Updating ListNested Lists in PythonChallenge: Retrieving Information from Nested ListPython TuplesCommon Tuple Methods in PythonChallenge: Updating TupleNested Tuples in PythonChallenge: Retrieving Information from Nested TuplePython DictionariesChallenge: Creating DictionaryCommon Dictionary Methods in PythonChallenge: Updating Dictionary
6. Functions in Python
Built-in Functions in PythonChallenge: Converting HeightsHow to Create Functions in PythonsChallenge: Writing First FunctionUse of if/else Statements in Python FunctionsChallenge: Identifying Positive Values Functions Without Return in PythonChallenge: Creating Logging FunctionModifying Functions in PythonChallenge: Updating Logic of the FunctionLambda Functions in PythonChallenge: Creating Lambda Function
Challenge: Updating Tuple
Swipe to start coding
You are given 2 tuples: employees
and interns
. The interns have completed their training, and now they can be added to the tuple with the main staff.
- Merge these two tuples and store the result in the variable
. - Use any method of tuple concatenation you find appropriate.
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Section 4. Chapter 8
Challenge: Updating Tuple
Swipe to start coding
You are given 2 tuples: employees
and interns
. The interns have completed their training, and now they can be added to the tuple with the main staff.
- Merge these two tuples and store the result in the variable
. - Use any method of tuple concatenation you find appropriate.
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Section 4. Chapter 8