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HTML Essentials
HTML Essentials
Attributes for Input Elements
We already know how to build the forms with inputs and labels. Now, let's consider other useful attributes for input elements that enhance their functionality and usability.
Common Attributes for Input Elements
provides a hint or example text within the input field, guiding users on what type of input is expected. Useful for providing context or instructions to users before they enter data.
specifies the input field's name, which is used to identify the input data when the form is submitted. Each input field within a form should have a unique name attribute.
sets the initial or default value of the input field. Pre-fills the input field with a specific value when the page loads.
specifies that the input field must be filled out before the form can be submitted. Prevents form submission if the required field is left empty.
disables the input field, preventing users from interacting with it or entering data. Useful for displaying read-only or inactive input fields.
makes the input field read-only, allowing users to see the value but not modify it. Similar to the disabled
attribute, but still allows the field to be focused and selected.
Min and Max
and max
specifiy the minimum and maximum allowed values for numerical input fields. Useful for enforcing constraints on numeric input, such as age or quantity.
Example: Let's consider an example that includes all the necessary attributes and elements needed for the form.
Video Tutorial
1. Which attribute provides a hint or example text within an input field, guiding users on what type of input is expected?
2. What attribute specifies the input field's name, which is used to identify the input data when the form is submitted?
3. Which attribute prevents form submission if the required field is left empty?
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