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Learn Challenge: Typography in Action | Core Concepts and Basic Styling
Tailwind CSS for Web Development
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Course Content

Tailwind CSS for Web Development

Tailwind CSS for Web Development

1. Introduction and Setup
2. Core Concepts and Basic Styling
3. Building Basic Components
4. Layout Basics
5. Responsiveness and Customization

Challenge: Typography in Action


Using the Tailwind CSS utilities for typography, create a text component with the following specifications:

  1. A heading (h1) with:
    • Font size of 4xl;
    • Bold font weight;
    • Normal line height.
  2. A subheading (h2) with:
    • Font size of 2xl;
    • Semi-bold font weight;
    • Tight line height.
  3. A paragraph (p) with:
    • Font size of base;
    • Normal font weight;
    • Relaxed line height.


  1. Font Size: Use text-4xl, text-2xl, text-base for font sizes;
  2. Font Weight: Use font-bold, font-semibold, font-normal for font weights;
  3. Line Height: Use leading-normal, leading-tight, leading-relaxed for line heights.



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