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Learn Applying Utility Classes in HTML | Core Concepts and Basic Styling
Tailwind CSS for Web Development
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Course Content

Tailwind CSS for Web Development

Tailwind CSS for Web Development

1. Introduction and Setup
2. Core Concepts and Basic Styling
3. Building Basic Components
4. Layout Basics
5. Responsiveness and Customization

Applying Utility Classes in HTML

To use utility classes in Tailwind CSS, you add them to the class attribute of your HTML elements. Each class corresponds to a specific CSS rule, making it easy to understand and manage your styles directly in your HTML.

HTML Structure

Start with a basic HTML structure.




Applying Utility Classes

Adding utility classes to the class attribute of your elements to style them.





  1. p-4: Adds padding;
  2. bg-gray-100: Sets the background color to light gray;
  3. rounded-lg: Adds large rounded corners;
  4. shadow-md: Adds a medium shadow.
  1. h-16: Sets the height;
  2. w-16: Sets the width;
  3. rounded-full: Makes the image circular;
  4. mx-auto: Centers the image horizontally.
  1. text-center: Centers the text;
  2. mt-4: Adds a top margin;
  3. text-lg: Sets the font size;
  4. font-semibold: Makes the text semibold;
  5. text-gray-500: Sets the text color to gray.
  1. mt-4: Adds a top margin;
  2. px-4: Adds horizontal padding;
  3. py-2: Adds vertical padding;
  4. bg-blue-500: Sets the background color to blue;
  5. text-white: Sets the text color to white;
  6. rounded: Adds small rounded corners;
  7. hover:bg-blue-700: Changes the background color on hover.
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How do you apply utility classes to an HTML element in Tailwind CSS?

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