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Section 2 Summary | Fundamentals of Hibernate
course content

Course Content

Java Data Manipulation with Hibernate

Section 2 SummarySection 2 Summary

Well done!

In this section, you learned about the fundamental functions and features of Hibernate. You've learned how to interact with the database correctly and safely, performing various operations. You've also practiced with the structure of a three-layered application, which is an excellent experience.

The project we're currently working on will be extensive and divided into several courses. In this course, it's important for us to build the foundation of this project. You've already completed 75% of the work on the foundation and database connection; there's just a little bit left.

In the next section, you'll work on implementing the update method for entities that don't have it yet, and you'll also implement deletion operations to ensure safe deletion. There's a lot of interesting stuff ahead. Keep up the good work!

Everything was clear?

Section 2. Chapter 12
course content

Course Content

Java Data Manipulation with Hibernate

Section 2 SummarySection 2 Summary

Well done!

In this section, you learned about the fundamental functions and features of Hibernate. You've learned how to interact with the database correctly and safely, performing various operations. You've also practiced with the structure of a three-layered application, which is an excellent experience.

The project we're currently working on will be extensive and divided into several courses. In this course, it's important for us to build the foundation of this project. You've already completed 75% of the work on the foundation and database connection; there's just a little bit left.

In the next section, you'll work on implementing the update method for entities that don't have it yet, and you'll also implement deletion operations to ensure safe deletion. There's a lot of interesting stuff ahead. Keep up the good work!

Everything was clear?

Section 2. Chapter 12