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Learn Application: Medical Data Analysis | Learning Through Applications
Matlab Basics
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Course Content

Matlab Basics

Matlab Basics

1. Basic Syntax and Coding with a Text Editor
2. Coding Foundations
3. Learning Through Applications
4. Visualizations
5. Recursion and Matrix Multiplication

Application: Medical Data Analysis

Now do a slight variation of what you've learned to analyze a study on how the blood concentration of a certain drug evolves over time in the human body (important in the medical industry for optimizing dosage quantity and frequency). You'll also learn about logical indexing that will help avoid writing for loops and make your coding faster!


  1. Understand the program goals:

    • Identify the location of the Excel file;
    • Import the data from the Excel file;
    • Split the data based on the time concentration was measured (using logical indexing);
    • Calculate descriptive statistics (minimum, maximum, mean, standard deviation) for each time across all patients in the study;
    • Output the results to a new Excel file;
  2. Program design and modularization:

    • Organize your program into modular functions or components as you see fit;
  3. Quality control:

    • Compare your program's results with the outputs shown in the video to ensure accuracy.

The video also highlights several convenient checkpoints where you can check your programming as you go along by either:

  • Unsilencing variables (by removing the semicolon);
  • Having your function temporarily output the variable in question.

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Section 3. Chapter 2
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