Course Content
String Manipulation in Python
String Manipulation in Python
Calculating and Formatting Dynamics
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As of 2020, the USA population was 331002651, of which 273975139 - urban population. The Urban population (%) is the proportion of the urban population to the total. Your tasks are:
- Print total and urban populations with commas every thousand;
- Calculate urban population (%), and print the result in the following format:
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Section 3. Chapter 9
Calculating and Formatting Dynamics
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As of 2020, the USA population was 331002651, of which 273975139 - urban population. The Urban population (%) is the proportion of the urban population to the total. Your tasks are:
- Print total and urban populations with commas every thousand;
- Calculate urban population (%), and print the result in the following format:
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Section 3. Chapter 9
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