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Learn Creating a Site Map for Better Navigation | Planning Your Portfolio Website
Web Development with Wix
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Course Content

Web Development with Wix

Web Development with Wix

1. Getting Started with Wix
2. Planning Your Portfolio Website
3. Designing Your Portfolio Website
4. Adding and Organizing Content
5. Enhancing Your Website with Wix Apps
6. Optimizing Your Website for Mobile
7. Publishing and Maintaining Your Website

Creating a Site Map for Better Navigation

Key Learning Outcomes

After completing this chapter, you will be able to:

  • Plan the structure of your website;
  • Create a site map that outlines the main pages and their hierarchy;
  • Apply best practices for creating a site map, especially for beginners in web design.

Creating a site map is an essential step in organizing your website. It helps you plan the structure and ensures a smooth user experience:

Main Pages

Identify the main pages of your portfolio (e.g., Home, About, Portfolio, Contact). Make sure these pages align with your website’s purpose and audience needs.

Page Hierarchy

Plan the hierarchy of your pages (e.g., subpages under main pages). Consider how users will navigate your site and find information easily.

Site Map Layout

Create a visual layout or wireframe of your site map to see the overall structure. This will help you organize your content and ensure a logical flow.

Best Practices for Beginners

  • Keep It Simple: Start with a basic structure and expand as needed;
  • Be Consistent: Use consistent naming conventions and layouts for pages;
  • Focus on User Experience: Ensure your site map provides a clear and easy navigation path for users.

By creating a site map, you'll have a blueprint that will guide the development of your website.

1. What is the purpose of a site map?

2. Creating a site map helps you organize your content and ensure a logical flow.

What is the purpose of a site map?

What is the purpose of a site map?

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Creating a site map helps you organize your content and ensure a logical flow.

Creating a site map helps you organize your content and ensure a logical flow.

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