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Learn Marketplace and Replacing Assets | Level Design and Aesthetics
Unreal Engine FPS Game
course content

Course Content

Unreal Engine FPS Game

Unreal Engine FPS Game

1. Unreal Engine Introduction
2. The Character Blueprint
3. Enemy Blueprints
4. Level Design and Aesthetics
5. User Interface and Sound Effects
6. Gameplay Logic
7. Packaging for Windows

Marketplace and Replacing Assets

Managing and integrating assets from the Unreal Engine Marketplace efficiently is crucial for maintaining an organized and performant project. The Unreal Engine Marketplace provides a vast array of assets, both free and paid, to enhance your projects.

To access the marketplace in Unreal Engine 5, you'll use Fab, Epic Games' unified digital asset marketplace. Fab consolidates resources from the Unreal Engine Marketplace, Sketchfab Store, Quixel, and ArtStation Marketplace, providing a comprehensive platform for acquiring digital assets like environments, animations, and more.

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