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Learn Rigidbody in Unity | Unity Physics
Unity for Beginners
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Course Content

Unity for Beginners

Unity for Beginners

1. Unity Introduction
2. Write your First Script
3. Unity Physics
4. Unity UI and Sounds
5. Polishing and Export your Game

Rigidbody in Unity

In Unity, a rigid body is a crucial component that you can attach to a game object to simulate realistic physics behavior. This means that the object can move and interact with other objects in a way that mimics real-world physics. For example, it can fall due to gravity, bounce off other objects, or be pushed by forces. By using Unity's rigid body system, developers can create more dynamic and interactive game environments.


A rigidbody is one such component that can be added to a game object to give it physics properties.

Physics Simulation

When a game object has a rigid body component attached, Unity's physics engine takes over to simulate how that object interacts with other objects in the scene. This includes:

  • Simulating Gravity: objects will fall towards the ground just like they do in real life;
  • Applying Forces: you can push or pull objects to make them move;
  • Detecting Collisions: when objects bump into each other, Unity calculates how they should react;
  • Resolving Collisions: unity ensures that objects don't pass through each other and react realistically.


Rigid bodies in Unity have several properties that you can adjust to change how they behave in the game. Here's a simple breakdown:

  • Mass: think of this as how heavy the object is. A heavier object (higher mass) will be harder to move;
  • Drag: this is like air resistance. The higher the drag, the slower the object will move through the air;
  • Angular Drag: similar to drag, but it affects how the object rotates. More angular drag means slower rotation;
  • Constraints: these are like rules that limit how the object can move or rotate. For example, you can stop an object from rotating by setting a constraint.


Rigidbodies in Unity can interact with each other and with other physics-based objects in the scene. Here's how it works:

  • Collisions: when two rigid bodies collide, Unity's physics engine calculates the forces involved and changes their motion accordingly. This means objects can bounce off each other, roll, or slide, just like in the real world;
  • Realistic Simulations: these interactions allow for realistic simulations, making your game world feel more alive and believable.

Scripting Integration

In Unity, you can also control rigid bodies using scripts. This means you can write code to make objects move or react in specific ways based on your game's logic. Here's how it works:

  • Unity's Scripting API: this is a set of tools and commands you can use to tell Unity what to do with your game objects;
  • Dynamic Manipulation: you can change how objects behave while the game is running. For example, you can make a ball jump when a player presses a button;
  • Game Logic and User Input: scripts allow you to create complex interactions based on what the player does or what happens in the game.


We have already explained this script in the last chapter of the second section you can check it if you forget.

This is the example in the video:

  • Rigidbody2D Declaration: Rigidbody2D rb; is a variable that holds the physics component of the object, allowing it to move;

  • Update Method: the Update() method runs every frame, constantly checking for player input;

  • Input Detection: Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") and Input.GetAxis("Vertical") detect keyboard input from the arrow keys or WASD keys, returning values that indicate the direction of movement;

  • Direction Vector: a Vector2 named direction is created using the input values, representing the direction the object should move;

  • Applying Force: rb.AddForce(direction, ForceMode2D.Force); applies a continuous force to the object in the specified direction, making it move smoothly.

Use Cases

Rigid bodies are commonly used for simulating objects like characters, vehicles, projectiles, and environmental elements in games. They are essential for creating realistic and immersive gameplay experiences.

1. What is a rigid body in Unity?

2. Which property of a rigid body defines how heavy an object is?

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What is a rigid body in Unity?

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Which property of a rigid body defines how heavy an object is?

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