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Paired t-test | Statistical Testing
Learning Statistics with Python

Paired t-test

The following function conducts a paired t-test:

This process resembles the one used for independent samples, but here we do not need to check the homogeneity of variance. The paired t-test explicitly does not assume that variances are equal.

Keep in mind that for a paired t-test, it's crucial that the sample sizes are equal.

With this information in mind, you can proceed to the task of conducting a paired t-test.

Here, you have data regarding the number of downloads for a particular app. Take a look at the samples: the mean values are nearly identical.


We establish the hypotheses:

  • H₀: The mean number of downloads before and after the changes is the same;
  • Hₐ: The mean number of downloads is greater after the modifications.

Conduct a paired t-test with this alternative hypothesis, using before and after as the samples.

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Section 6. Chapter 8
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Learning Statistics with Python

Paired t-test

The following function conducts a paired t-test:

This process resembles the one used for independent samples, but here we do not need to check the homogeneity of variance. The paired t-test explicitly does not assume that variances are equal.

Keep in mind that for a paired t-test, it's crucial that the sample sizes are equal.

With this information in mind, you can proceed to the task of conducting a paired t-test.

Here, you have data regarding the number of downloads for a particular app. Take a look at the samples: the mean values are nearly identical.


We establish the hypotheses:

  • H₀: The mean number of downloads before and after the changes is the same;
  • Hₐ: The mean number of downloads is greater after the modifications.

Conduct a paired t-test with this alternative hypothesis, using before and after as the samples.

Everything was clear?

Section 6. Chapter 8
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