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Learn Introduction to The For Loop in C++ | For Loop
C++ Loops
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C++ Loops

C++ Loops

1. While Loop
2. For Loop
3. Nested Loops

Introduction to The For Loop in C++

The while loop may not always be the most convenient choice when we need to repeat a block of code a specific number of times. we typically need to declare and initialize a counter variable, define a condition, and remember to increment the counter within the loop body.

There is an alternative control flow structure called the for loop, which offers a more concise and structured approach to repetitive code execution. Both the for and while loops serve the purpose of repeating code, but they are designed for different scenarios and have unique advantages.



for (initialization; condition; update) { // Code to be repeated }
  • Initialization: this is where you typically initialize a loop control variable (e.g., int i = 0), which sets the initial state of the loop;

  • Condition: the loop continues as long as this condition is true (e.g., i < 5);

  • Update: after each iteration, the update statement is executed (e.g., i++ to increment i by 1).

A while loop typically consumes more code space and is often considered less intuitive to read. A for loop essentially contains the same elements as a while loop but offers a more convenient and concise way to work with them.





for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { }
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Which statement is true regarding the initialization of variables in a for loop compared to a while loop?

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