Course Content
Introduction to SQL
Introduction to SQL
1. Retrieving Data
Retrieving Individual ColumnsRetrieving Multiple Columns Retrieving All ColumnsRetrieving Distinct RowsLimiting ResultsChallenge: Find the Population of the CountriesChallenge: Find All CountriesChallenge: Find All Countries With Their IDsChallenge: Find Country CapitalsChallenge: Find the Regions in Which All Countries Are Located
2. Sorting Retrieved Data
Sorting DataChallenge: Population SortSorting by Multiple ColumnsChallenge: Dual-Sort QuerySpecifying Sort DirectionChallenge: Sort the Countries by Region and CapitalChallenge: Sort Capitals in Descending OrderChallenge: Sort Countries in Ascending OrderChallenge: Find Countries, Their IDs, and Their PopulationsChallenge: Find Countries, IDs, Populations, Regions, and Sort ThemChallenge: Find All Continents and Sort Them in Ascending Order
Challenge: Large Surface Area Average
Here is the country
table we are working with:
Swipe to start coding
Write an SQL query to retrieve the average value of a surfacearea
column, considering only those records where the surfacearea
exceeds 300000
Everything was clear?
Thanks for your feedback!
Section 5. Chapter 7
Challenge: Large Surface Area Average
Here is the country
table we are working with:
Swipe to start coding
Write an SQL query to retrieve the average value of a surfacearea
column, considering only those records where the surfacearea
exceeds 300000
Everything was clear?
Thanks for your feedback!
Section 5. Chapter 7