Course Content
Introduction to SQL
Introduction to SQL
1. Retrieving Data
Retrieving Individual ColumnsRetrieving Multiple Columns Retrieving All ColumnsRetrieving Distinct RowsLimiting ResultsChallenge: Find the Population of the CountriesChallenge: Find All CountriesChallenge: Find All Countries With Their IDsChallenge: Find Country CapitalsChallenge: Find the Regions in Which All Countries Are Located
2. Sorting Retrieved Data
Sorting DataChallenge: Population SortSorting by Multiple ColumnsChallenge: Dual-Sort QuerySpecifying Sort DirectionChallenge: Sort the Countries by Region and CapitalChallenge: Sort Capitals in Descending OrderChallenge: Sort Countries in Ascending OrderChallenge: Find Countries, Their IDs, and Their PopulationsChallenge: Find Countries, IDs, Populations, Regions, and Sort ThemChallenge: Find All Continents and Sort Them in Ascending Order
Challenge: America Regions Filter
Here is the country
table we are working with:
Swipe to start coding
Write an SQL query to retrieve the name
of the countries that are from regions such as 'Central America'
or 'North America'
Pay attention to the fact that the names of the regions begin with a capital letter and not a lowercase one, which is very important.
Everything was clear?
Thanks for your feedback!
Section 4. Chapter 4
Challenge: America Regions Filter
Here is the country
table we are working with:
Swipe to start coding
Write an SQL query to retrieve the name
of the countries that are from regions such as 'Central America'
or 'North America'
Pay attention to the fact that the names of the regions begin with a capital letter and not a lowercase one, which is very important.
Everything was clear?
Thanks for your feedback!
Section 4. Chapter 4