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Retrieving Individual Columns | Retrieving Data
Introduction to SQL

Retrieving Individual Columns

What is SQL?

SQL is a programming language for user interaction with databases, used to query, update, and manage databases.


A database is an organized structure designed to store, modify, and process large amounts of data.

Let’s get started! In this course, we will work with a country database containing a country table. Let's look at this table.

id name continent region surfacearea capital population
1 Japan Asia Eastern Asia 377829 Tokyo 126714000
2 Latvia Europe NULL 64589 Riga 2424200
3 Mexico North America Central America 1958201 Mexico City 98881000
4 Netherlands Europe Western Europe 41526 Amsterdam 15864000
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
15 Malta Europe Southern Europe 316 Valletta 380200

SELECT is an operator in the SQL language that retrieves a data set (sample) from the database. To use the SELECT operator effectively, we need to specify exactly what we want to select and where we want to select it from.

In our previous query, we utilized the SELECT to retrieve a single continent column from the country table. It's important to note that you must specify the column name immediately after the SELECT keyword, and the FROM keyword specifies the name of the table from which we wish to retrieve data.


Now, let's retrieve a capital column from the country table.

Once you've completed this task, click the button below the code to check your solution.

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Course Content

Introduction to SQL

Retrieving Individual Columns

What is SQL?

SQL is a programming language for user interaction with databases, used to query, update, and manage databases.


A database is an organized structure designed to store, modify, and process large amounts of data.

Let’s get started! In this course, we will work with a country database containing a country table. Let's look at this table.

id name continent region surfacearea capital population
1 Japan Asia Eastern Asia 377829 Tokyo 126714000
2 Latvia Europe NULL 64589 Riga 2424200
3 Mexico North America Central America 1958201 Mexico City 98881000
4 Netherlands Europe Western Europe 41526 Amsterdam 15864000
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
15 Malta Europe Southern Europe 316 Valletta 380200

SELECT is an operator in the SQL language that retrieves a data set (sample) from the database. To use the SELECT operator effectively, we need to specify exactly what we want to select and where we want to select it from.

In our previous query, we utilized the SELECT to retrieve a single continent column from the country table. It's important to note that you must specify the column name immediately after the SELECT keyword, and the FROM keyword specifies the name of the table from which we wish to retrieve data.


Now, let's retrieve a capital column from the country table.

Once you've completed this task, click the button below the code to check your solution.

Everything was clear?

Section 1. Chapter 1
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