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Learn Using the Liquify Tool: Reshaping and Refining Image Details | Advanced Photoshop Image Cleanup & Enhancement Techniques
Adobe Photoshop Mastering
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Course Content

Adobe Photoshop Mastering

Adobe Photoshop Mastering

1. Essential Photoshop Tools and Workspace Setup
2. Mastering Photoshop Selection & Layers
3. Advanced Photoshop Image Cleanup & Enhancement Techniques
4. Mastering Color Techniques in Photoshop
5. Mastering Visual Creation in Photoshop
6. Mastering Project Management & Exporting in Photoshop

Using the Liquify Tool: Reshaping and Refining Image Details

Using Liquify in Photoshop

  • Liquify filter can change the shape of any image element;
  • Make sure to convert the layer to a Smart Object so that when you apply the Liquify filter, it converts it to a Smart Filter which allows for non-destructive editing.
  • The Forward Warp Tool is the most commonly used tool in Liquify;
  • The facial features can be automatically detected where you can adjust eyes, nose, mouth;
  • Don't forget to adjust the brush size, pressure, density to have desirable and subtle effects;
  • Use the Reconstruct option to compare before and after changes and use the Reconstruct tool to revert undesired changes.

Liquify is a very powerful filter for photo and product adjustments. Remember to have it as a Smart Filter to allow for flexible and reversible edits.


Download the practice image "Practice File 1" from the chapter's page and try to add some hair volume on the man's head.

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