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Learn Challenge: Work with Images | Working with Media and Tables
Ultimate HTML
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Course Content

Ultimate HTML

Ultimate HTML

1. Understanding Web Development
2. HTML Tags and Attributes
3. HTML Document Structure
4. Working with Media and Tables
5. HTML Forms and User Input

Challenge: Work with Images


Practice using the absolute path for images in HTML.


Ensure the src attribute of the first image uses the absolute path. You can find the image at:

Utilize the absolute path for the src attribute of the second image. Access the image here:

Specify the appropriate alt attribute value for both images. Remember, the alt value is crucial for providing context in case images fail to load or for users relying on screen readers.



  1. Use the img tag to specify an image.
  2. Use the src attribute to specify the image's location.
  3. Use the alt attribute to furnish a descriptive text for the image.
  4. You can use the width attribute to define the image's width.
  5. You can use the height attribute to define the image's height.


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