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Histplot | More and More Plots
First Dive into seaborn Visualization


A histogram (aka histplot) is a classic visualization tool that represents the distribution of one or more variables by counting the number of observations that fall within discrete bins.

An example of a histplot:

To initialize a histplot based on the pandas DataFrame, we need to input at least 2 parameters: x/y (the column in which values will be used to create a histplot) and data (the DataFrame containing the data).

Look at the code below!

We can change the histogram binning intervals by using binwidth=n as an argument in the plot function, n - is the width of one column:

Let's solve this problem!


  1. Import the seaborn with sns alias.
  2. Import the matplotlib.pyplot with plt alias.
  3. Import the pandas with pd alias.
  4. Read the file using df variable.
  5. Create a x-oriented lineplot using 'answer' column in the plot function.
  6. Set binwidth = 0.2.
  7. Show the plot.

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Section 2. Chapter 7
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Course Content

First Dive into seaborn Visualization


A histogram (aka histplot) is a classic visualization tool that represents the distribution of one or more variables by counting the number of observations that fall within discrete bins.

An example of a histplot:

To initialize a histplot based on the pandas DataFrame, we need to input at least 2 parameters: x/y (the column in which values will be used to create a histplot) and data (the DataFrame containing the data).

Look at the code below!

We can change the histogram binning intervals by using binwidth=n as an argument in the plot function, n - is the width of one column:

Let's solve this problem!


  1. Import the seaborn with sns alias.
  2. Import the matplotlib.pyplot with plt alias.
  3. Import the pandas with pd alias.
  4. Read the file using df variable.
  5. Create a x-oriented lineplot using 'answer' column in the plot function.
  6. Set binwidth = 0.2.
  7. Show the plot.

Everything was clear?

Section 2. Chapter 7
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