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Removing Stop Words | Text Preprocessing Fundamentals
Introduction to NLP

Removing Stop WordsRemoving Stop Words

Understanding Stop Words

In NLP, the process of removing stop words is a crucial step in text preprocessing.

Stop words are common words that usually do not contribute to the meaning of a sentence, at least for the purposes of most analysis and algorithms. These include words such as "the", "is", "in", and "on".

Stop words are typically filtered out after tokenization for NLP tasks, such as sentiment analysis, topic modeling, or keyword extraction. The rationale behind removing stop words is to decrease the dataset size, thereby improving computational efficiency, and to increase the relevance of the analysis by focusing on the words that carry significant meaning.

Removing Stop Words with NLTK

To make things easier, nltk provides a comprehensive list of stop words in multiple languages, which can be easily accessed and used to filter stop words from text data.

Here’s how you can get the list of English stop words in NLTK and convert it to set:

Converting this list to a set improves the efficiency of lookups, as checking membership in a set is faster than in a list.

With this in mind, let's take a look at a complete example of how to filter out stop words from a given text:

As you can see, we should first download the stop words and perform tokenization. The next step is to use a list comprehension to create a list containing only tokens which are not stop words. The word.lower() in the if clause is essential to convert each word (token) to lower case, since nltk contains stop words exclusively in lower case.

Alternatively, we could use a usual for loop instead of a list comprehension, however, using list comprehension here is more efficient and concise.


Your task is to convert the text to lowercase, load the English stop words list from nltk and convert it to a set, then tokenize the text string using the word_tokenize() function, and filter out the stop words from tokens using list comprehension.

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Introduction to NLP

Removing Stop WordsRemoving Stop Words

Understanding Stop Words

In NLP, the process of removing stop words is a crucial step in text preprocessing.

Stop words are common words that usually do not contribute to the meaning of a sentence, at least for the purposes of most analysis and algorithms. These include words such as "the", "is", "in", and "on".

Stop words are typically filtered out after tokenization for NLP tasks, such as sentiment analysis, topic modeling, or keyword extraction. The rationale behind removing stop words is to decrease the dataset size, thereby improving computational efficiency, and to increase the relevance of the analysis by focusing on the words that carry significant meaning.

Removing Stop Words with NLTK

To make things easier, nltk provides a comprehensive list of stop words in multiple languages, which can be easily accessed and used to filter stop words from text data.

Here’s how you can get the list of English stop words in NLTK and convert it to set:

Converting this list to a set improves the efficiency of lookups, as checking membership in a set is faster than in a list.

With this in mind, let's take a look at a complete example of how to filter out stop words from a given text:

As you can see, we should first download the stop words and perform tokenization. The next step is to use a list comprehension to create a list containing only tokens which are not stop words. The word.lower() in the if clause is essential to convert each word (token) to lower case, since nltk contains stop words exclusively in lower case.

Alternatively, we could use a usual for loop instead of a list comprehension, however, using list comprehension here is more efficient and concise.


Your task is to convert the text to lowercase, load the English stop words list from nltk and convert it to a set, then tokenize the text string using the word_tokenize() function, and filter out the stop words from tokens using list comprehension.

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Section 1. Chapter 7
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