class ___:
# Insert code here
class User(___):
is_authenticated = False # Cut this class attribute
def __init__(self, username, password):
self.username = username
self.password = password
# ========== Cut the code below ==========
def login(self, taken_password):
if self.password == taken_password:
self.is_authenticated = True
print(f"{self.username} is authenticated")
print("Wrong password!")
def logout(self):
self.is_authenticated = False
print(f"{self.username} is loggouted")
# ========== Cut the code above ==========
def password(self):
return self._password
def password(self, new_password):
if isinstance(new_password, str):
if len(new_password) >= 8:
self._password = new_password
print("The password length should be >= 8.")
print("The password should be string.")
class Admin(User):
def create_content(self):
print(f"{self.username} creates the content")
def update_content(self):
print(f"{self.username} updates the content")
def delete_content(self):
print(f"{self.username} deletes the content")
frank = Admin("frank.admin", "secret.admin.pswrd")
frank.password = "some password"
frank.password = "123"
frank.password = 1231241241
frank.login("some password")