Course Content
UI/UX Design with Figma
UI/UX Design with Figma
Pen Tool in Figma: Creating Custom Shapes and Vector Graphics
The Pen tool in the toolbar allows you to create shapes by connecting points (or nodes). A circle icon appears when closing a shape, which by default has a stroke but no fill.
To draw curves, click and drag to create handles that control the curvature. Use Alt/Option to break handles for independent control or Shift to snap them to vertical, horizontal, or 45° angles.
For advanced edits, use Ctrl/Command to access the bend tool to convert straight lines to curves, modify nodes, or add/remove handles. While using the pen tool, you're in "isolation mode," and shapes are treated as one until you exit with Escape.
This is the link to the website mentioned for practicing the Pen Tool. This game will significantly help in developing proficiency with this tool. Hope you have fun with it!
1. What does holding Alt/Option while dragging a Pen Tool handle do?
2. How can you convert a straight line to a curve using the Pen Tool?
Thanks for your feedback!