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Learn Practicing Methods | Structs & Enumerators
C# Beyond Basics
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Course Content

C# Beyond Basics

C# Beyond Basics

1. Additional Structures & File Handling
2. Structs & Enumerators
3. Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
4. OOP Essentials
5. OOP Principles

Practicing Methods

The code contains a struct called Cypher which basically represents a kind of Caesar cipher.

Read the code and fill in the blanks to make sure it works properly. The following is how the final program is supposed to be:

  1. setText method converts the passed text into encoded text and stores it into the field text. This method takes one string argument called text, and the method does not return any value;
  2. rawText returns the text field content. This method takes no arguments;
  3. decodedText decodes the text field content and returns the result. This method also doesn't take any arguments.


using System; struct Cypher { public string text; ___ { string encodedText = ""; foreach(char chr in text) encodedText += (char) (chr + 7); ___ = encodedText; } public string rawText() { ___ } ___ { string decodedText = ""; foreach (char chr in this.text) decodedText += (char)(chr - 7); ___ } } class ConsoleApp { static void Main(string[] args) { Cypher text1 = new Cypher(); text1.setText("This is an example sentence."); Console.WriteLine(text1.rawText()); Console.WriteLine(text1.decodedText()); } }
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Section 2. Chapter 7
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