Mastering Python: Annotations, Errors and Environment
Mastering Python: Annotations, Errors and Environment
What are Errors?
There are different exceptions (errors) in Python.
An exception is an event that is raised during the execution and stops the interpreter. You can raise and catch these exceptions.
Why do you need to raise exceptions?
Bugs can occur in a program, and it's important for expert programmers to detect and report these errors to the interpreter. Raising exceptions helps to stop the interpreter and prevent unexpected results that could damage the entire project.
Why is it important to catch exceptions?
Catching exceptions is important in Python because it allows the program to handle errors gracefully and continue executing without terminating abruptly. When an error occurs during the execution of a program, an exception object is raised. If the exception is not caught and handled by the program, the interpreter will terminate the program and display an error message.
By catching exceptions, you can take appropriate action when an error occurs, such as displaying a user-friendly error message, logging the error for later analysis, or retrying the operation that caused the error. This helps to ensure that the program remains stable and reliable, and can recover from unexpected situations.
However, there are also situations where you may deliberately raise exceptions to implement specific logic in the code, such as checking for certain conditions or enforcing certain constraints. In these cases, catching the exception may not be necessary, but it is still important to ensure that the program does not terminate unexpectedly.
Types of Exceptions
The above image depicts the hierarchy of some of the different exceptions in Python.
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