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Tabular Output | Formatting the Output of the Chat
Introduction to Chat GPT

Tabular OutputTabular Output

Sometimes it's necessary to generate the output in some specific format: table, list, structured text with headers/titles, etc. ChatGPT is able to provide such an output and now we will consider corresponding prompts.

Let's start from the tabular output.

Simple tabular output

Input Prompt:

Create a table with the following columns: name, age, profession. Fill in this table with some random values.

Generated Output:

Random Data Table

Name Age Profession
John Smith 32 Engineer
Alice Johnson 28 Teacher
Michael Brown 45 Doctor
Emily Davis 37 Lawyer

HTML table

We can ask ChatGPT to generate table in HTML format:

Input Prompt:

Create me a table with the following columns: name, age, profession and fill this table with some random values. This table must be created in HTML format.

Generated Output:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Random Data Table</title>
    <table border="1">
            <td>John Smith</td>
            <td>Alice Johnson</td>
            <td>Michael Brown</td>
            <td>Emily Davis</td>

Markdown tables

We can also generate tables in Markdown format using ChatGPT:

Input Prompt:

Create me a table with the following columns: Name, age, profession and fill this table with some random values. This table must be created in Markdown format.

Generated Output:

|   Name   |  Age  |  Profession  |
|  Alice   |  28   |   Engineer   |
|   Bob    |  35   |   Teacher    |
| Charlie  |  42   |   Doctor     |
|  David   |  31   |   Artist     |
|  Emily   |  29   |   Lawyer     |

¿Todo estuvo claro?

Sección 3. Capítulo 1
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Introduction to Chat GPT

Tabular OutputTabular Output

Sometimes it's necessary to generate the output in some specific format: table, list, structured text with headers/titles, etc. ChatGPT is able to provide such an output and now we will consider corresponding prompts.

Let's start from the tabular output.

Simple tabular output

Input Prompt:

Create a table with the following columns: name, age, profession. Fill in this table with some random values.

Generated Output:

Random Data Table

Name Age Profession
John Smith 32 Engineer
Alice Johnson 28 Teacher
Michael Brown 45 Doctor
Emily Davis 37 Lawyer

HTML table

We can ask ChatGPT to generate table in HTML format:

Input Prompt:

Create me a table with the following columns: name, age, profession and fill this table with some random values. This table must be created in HTML format.

Generated Output:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Random Data Table</title>
    <table border="1">
            <td>John Smith</td>
            <td>Alice Johnson</td>
            <td>Michael Brown</td>
            <td>Emily Davis</td>

Markdown tables

We can also generate tables in Markdown format using ChatGPT:

Input Prompt:

Create me a table with the following columns: Name, age, profession and fill this table with some random values. This table must be created in Markdown format.

Generated Output:

|   Name   |  Age  |  Profession  |
|  Alice   |  28   |   Engineer   |
|   Bob    |  35   |   Teacher    |
| Charlie  |  42   |   Doctor     |
|  David   |  31   |   Artist     |
|  Emily   |  29   |   Lawyer     |

¿Todo estuvo claro?

Sección 3. Capítulo 1