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What Is a Variable? | Variables
Introduction to Python | Mobile-Friendly
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Contenido del Curso

Introduction to Python | Mobile-Friendly

Introduction to Python | Mobile-Friendly

1. Python Basics
2. Variables
3. Strings

What Is a Variable?

Variables in programming are abstract local storages for values. In the previous section, you calculated a 5-year revenue. What if we need this exact same number in the future? Recalculating seems a bit irrational.

To refer to a specific value in the future, we need to use a particular name for the variable. Use the equality sign = for assigning value to a variable. For example, you can assign the value 2022 to the variable year, and then output it or perform any arithmetic operation using its name.

This is the ninth chapter of the course. Create a variable chapter with a value of 9.


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