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Aprende Challenge: Implement Class Inheritance with extends and super() | Mastering JavaScript Classes and Inheritance
Advanced JavaScript Mastery
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Advanced JavaScript Mastery

Advanced JavaScript Mastery

3. Event Handling and User Interactions in JavaScript
4. Asynchronous JavaScript and API Integration

Challenge: Implement Class Inheritance with extends and super()


You're working on a transportation management system that tracks different types of vehicles. Each vehicle has a make, model, and year. For electric vehicles, you also need to track the batteryCapacity. You'll use inheritance to extend a general Vehicle class for specific electric vehicles.

  1. Create an ElectricVehicle class that extends Vehicle;
  2. The ElectricVehicle constructor should accept make, model, year, and batteryCapacity;
  3. Use super() to initialize make, model, and year in the parent class;
  4. Add a getDetails method to ElectricVehicle that overrides Vehicle's getDetails method. It should call super.getDetails() and add information about batteryCapacity. The format should be: "{make} {model} ({year}) with a battery capacity of {batteryCapacity} kWh.".
class Vehicle { constructor(make, model, year) { this.make = make; this.model = model; this.year = year; } getDetails() { return `${this.make} ${this.model} (${this.year})`; } } class ElectricVehicle _____ _____ { _____(make, model, year, _____) { _____(_____, _____, _____); this.batteryCapacity = batteryCapacity; } _____() { return `${super._____} with a battery capacity of ${ _____._____ } kWh.`; } } // Testing const vehicle = new Vehicle('Toyota', 'Camry', 2020); console.log(vehicle.getDetails()); // Expected: Toyota Camry (2020) const electricVehicle = new ElectricVehicle('Tesla', 'Model 3', 2021, 75); console.log(electricVehicle.getDetails()); // Expected: Tesla Model 3 (2021) with a battery capacity of 75 kWh.
  • Define a class ElectricVehicle that extends Vehicle;
  • In the ElectricVehicle constructor, add a parameter batteryCapacity after make, model, and year;
  • Use super(make, model, year) to call the parent class's constructor and initialize make, model, and year;
  • Assign batteryCapacity to a property in ElectricVehicle;
  • Define a getDetails method in ElectricVehicle that overrides Vehicle's getDetails method;
  • Inside getDetails, use super.getDetails() to get the parent class details, then add the battery capacity information to the return string.
class Vehicle { constructor(make, model, year) { this.make = make; this.model = model; this.year = year; } getDetails() { return `${this.make} ${this.model} (${this.year})`; } } class ElectricVehicle extends Vehicle { constructor(make, model, year, batteryCapacity) { super(make, model, year); this.batteryCapacity = batteryCapacity; } getDetails() { return `${super.getDetails()} with a battery capacity of ${ this.batteryCapacity } kWh.`; } } // Testing const vehicle = new Vehicle('Toyota', 'Camry', 2020); console.log(vehicle.getDetails()); // Output: Toyota Camry (2020) const electricVehicle = new ElectricVehicle('Tesla', 'Model 3', 2021, 75); console.log(electricVehicle.getDetails()); // Output: Tesla Model 3 (2021) with a battery capacity of 75 kWh.

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