You can write the code in the
file of the following sandbox. To see the rendered page, drag it from the right edge of a sandbox window.
Now that you have familiarized yourself with floating elements in CSS and the various display properties used, we will move on to a challenge to solidify these skills. The following are the tasks:
- Set the display of the header and footer to
, the background color toazure
, and the padding of 20px. - Set absolute position to the main element and left to
and width to31%
, and a background-color to#5f9ea0
and padding 5px. - Float the 'asides' left and right with 33% width and overflow auto.
- Clear the footer left and right.
Here is the result you should get. If you are having problems, you can drag the code part with a solution from the left edge of the sandbox window.
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