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Requirement Specification Example | Requirements Specification
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Contenido del Curso

Business Analysis Fundamentals

Requirement Specification ExampleRequirement Specification Example

Assume we're creating an e-commerce software that prioritizes user-friendly shopping for customers and efficient order management for administrators. To ensure its success, we've defined a set of requirements to guide the development process.

Functional Requirements Description
User Registration and Login
  • Register with valid email and password;
  • Securely log in for registered users.
Product Catalog
  • Display product catalog with names, descriptions, prices, and images;
  • Enable filtering by category, price range, and brand.
Shopping Cart
  • Add and manage products in the cart;
  • View and update cart contents, including quantities and removal;
  • Calculate real-time order total.
Checkout and Payment
  • Provide checkout option from the shopping cart;
  • Collect shipping and billing information during checkout;
  • Securely process payments, including credit card transactions.
Order Management
  • Grant access to order history and tracking for registered users;
  • Admin access to manage orders, update order status, and generate invoices.
Product Reviews and Ratings
  • Allow users to leave product reviews and display average ratings.

Non-functional Requirements Description
  • Website pages should load within 2 seconds for a responsive user experience;
  • The system must handle concurrent user sessions without significant performance degradation.
  • Encrypt and securely store user data, including personal and payment information;
  • Implement protection against common web application vulnerabilities like SQL injection and XSS.
  • Ensure the system can scale to handle increased traffic during peak shopping seasons (e.g., holidays);
  • Include load balancing and allocate server resources for scalability.
  • Aim for at least 99.9% website availability, considering planned maintenance periods;
  • Implement failover mechanisms to minimize downtime in case of server failures.
  • Ensure the user interface follows best practices for usability and accessibility;
  • Ensure compatibility with major web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge).
  • Comply with data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR) regarding user data handling;
  • Adhere to Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) requirements for payment processing.
Load Testing
  • Conduct regular load testing to ensure the website can handle peak traffic loads;
  • Ensure performance thresholds for page load times are met under heavy loads.
Backup and Disaster Recovery
  • Perform regular backups of user and transaction data and securely store them;
  • Have a disaster recovery plan in place to recover data and operations in case of unforeseen events.

¿Todo estuvo claro?

Sección 3. Capítulo 4
course content

Contenido del Curso

Business Analysis Fundamentals

Requirement Specification ExampleRequirement Specification Example

Assume we're creating an e-commerce software that prioritizes user-friendly shopping for customers and efficient order management for administrators. To ensure its success, we've defined a set of requirements to guide the development process.

Functional Requirements Description
User Registration and Login
  • Register with valid email and password;
  • Securely log in for registered users.
Product Catalog
  • Display product catalog with names, descriptions, prices, and images;
  • Enable filtering by category, price range, and brand.
Shopping Cart
  • Add and manage products in the cart;
  • View and update cart contents, including quantities and removal;
  • Calculate real-time order total.
Checkout and Payment
  • Provide checkout option from the shopping cart;
  • Collect shipping and billing information during checkout;
  • Securely process payments, including credit card transactions.
Order Management
  • Grant access to order history and tracking for registered users;
  • Admin access to manage orders, update order status, and generate invoices.
Product Reviews and Ratings
  • Allow users to leave product reviews and display average ratings.

Non-functional Requirements Description
  • Website pages should load within 2 seconds for a responsive user experience;
  • The system must handle concurrent user sessions without significant performance degradation.
  • Encrypt and securely store user data, including personal and payment information;
  • Implement protection against common web application vulnerabilities like SQL injection and XSS.
  • Ensure the system can scale to handle increased traffic during peak shopping seasons (e.g., holidays);
  • Include load balancing and allocate server resources for scalability.
  • Aim for at least 99.9% website availability, considering planned maintenance periods;
  • Implement failover mechanisms to minimize downtime in case of server failures.
  • Ensure the user interface follows best practices for usability and accessibility;
  • Ensure compatibility with major web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge).
  • Comply with data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR) regarding user data handling;
  • Adhere to Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) requirements for payment processing.
Load Testing
  • Conduct regular load testing to ensure the website can handle peak traffic loads;
  • Ensure performance thresholds for page load times are met under heavy loads.
Backup and Disaster Recovery
  • Perform regular backups of user and transaction data and securely store them;
  • Have a disaster recovery plan in place to recover data and operations in case of unforeseen events.

¿Todo estuvo claro?

Sección 3. Capítulo 4