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Read Operations | CRUD Operations
Django: Build Your First Website
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Django: Build Your First Website

Django: Build Your First Website

1. Get Started
2. The First Application
3. Models
4. CRUD Operations
5. Templates
6. Forms and Dynamic URLs

bookRead Operations

In this chapter, we'll start fetching records from the database and displaying them on the user's page.

Code Explanation

  1. from .models import Note: Imports the Note model from the current Django application. Models in Django are classes that describe the structure of database tables;
  2. def read_content(request):: Defines the read_content function, which will handle HTTP requests. The function takes a request object containing information about the client's request;
  3. all_notes = Note.objects.all(): Utilizes Django's Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) to query the database and retrieve all objects of the Note model`;
  4. return HttpResponse(all_notes): We are sending information to the HTML template.

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Sección 4. Capítulo 2