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Aprenda Diffusion Models | Introduction to Generative Networks
Image Synthesis Through Generative Networks
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Image Synthesis Through Generative Networks

Image Synthesis Through Generative Networks

1. Introduction to Generative Networks
2. VAE implementation
3. GAN Implementation

Diffusion Models

Diffusion models are a class of generative models used to create data by modeling the process of gradually transforming simple noise into complex, structured data.

Key Concepts

The key concepts of diffusion models include:

Forward diffusion process

In the forward process, data (like an image) is gradually corrupted by adding noise over several steps until it becomes almost indistinguishable from pure noise. This process usually has a specific design, where each step only depends on the immediate previous step.

Reverse diffusion process

The reverse process aims to undo the forward diffusion, starting from pure noise and gradually removing the noise to reconstruct the original data. The goal is to model the reverse transitions accurately so that starting from a noise sample can eventually produce a sample from the original data distribution.

Training objective

The model learns the reverse process by training on the corrupted data. It tries to predict the original data from the noisy data at each step. Typically, the model minimizes a loss function that measures the difference between the predicted data and the actual original data at each step.


Match generative network types with their descriptions



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