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Carousels | Advanced Concepts
Bootstrap: Building Stylish Websites


Carousels, also known as image sliders, are interactive elements used to display a series of images or content items rotating. They are frequently utilized to display products, portfolio items, or featured content.

Key Features

Bootstrap's carousel component is a powerful tool for creating engaging user experiences. It features automatic cycling, navigation controls, and customization options for transition effects, timing, and indicators.

Usage Classes

  • carousel: This class is applied to the container element of the carousel;
  • carousel-inner: This class applies to a <div> element inside the container. It wraps all the carousel items (slides) and defines the inner content of the carousel;
  • carousel-item: This class is applied to individual slides within the carousel. Each carousel-item represents one slide in the carousel;
  • active: This class marks a slide as active or the currently displayed slide. It ensures that the corresponding slide is visible when the carousel is rendered;
  • carousel-control-prev and carousel-control-next: These classes are applied to the previous and next navigation buttons. They provide controls for users to navigate through the carousel manually;
  • data-bs-target and data-bs-slide: These attributes are used with the navigation buttons to specify the target carousel and the direction of slide transitions;
  • carousel-indicators: This class is applied to a list of indicator elements (usually <li> elements) representing each carousel slide;
  • data-bs-interval and data-bs-pause: These attributes configure the interval (in milliseconds) between slide transitions and specify whether the carousel should pause on hover or focus.






Code Description
  1. Carousel (<div id="carouselExampleDark" class="carousel carousel-dark slide">):
    • This is the main container for the carousel. The carousel class indicates that it's a carousel component in Bootstrap. The carousel-dark class sets a dark theme for the carousel, and slide class specifies the sliding animation effect.
  2. Carousel Indicators (<div class="carousel-indicators">):
    • These are the indicators that show which slide the carousel is currently displaying. Bootstrap provides these indicators for navigation purposes.
  3. Carousel Items (<div class="carousel-item">):
    • These are the individual slides of the carousel. Each carousel-item represents one slide. The first slide has the active class, indicating it's the initial slide.
  4. Carousel Controls (<button class="carousel-control-prev" ...> and <button class="carousel-control-next" ...>):
    • These are the control buttons for navigating the carousel. Bootstrap provides previous and next buttons (carousel-control-prev and carousel-control-next) for this purpose. They are linked to the carousel by specifying the target (data-bs-target="#carouselExampleDark") and the type of action (data-bs-slide="prev" or "next"). The icons for the buttons are specified by the carousel-control-prev-icon and carousel-control-next-icon classes.

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Bootstrap: Building Stylish Websites


Carousels, also known as image sliders, are interactive elements used to display a series of images or content items rotating. They are frequently utilized to display products, portfolio items, or featured content.

Key Features

Bootstrap's carousel component is a powerful tool for creating engaging user experiences. It features automatic cycling, navigation controls, and customization options for transition effects, timing, and indicators.

Usage Classes

  • carousel: This class is applied to the container element of the carousel;
  • carousel-inner: This class applies to a <div> element inside the container. It wraps all the carousel items (slides) and defines the inner content of the carousel;
  • carousel-item: This class is applied to individual slides within the carousel. Each carousel-item represents one slide in the carousel;
  • active: This class marks a slide as active or the currently displayed slide. It ensures that the corresponding slide is visible when the carousel is rendered;
  • carousel-control-prev and carousel-control-next: These classes are applied to the previous and next navigation buttons. They provide controls for users to navigate through the carousel manually;
  • data-bs-target and data-bs-slide: These attributes are used with the navigation buttons to specify the target carousel and the direction of slide transitions;
  • carousel-indicators: This class is applied to a list of indicator elements (usually <li> elements) representing each carousel slide;
  • data-bs-interval and data-bs-pause: These attributes configure the interval (in milliseconds) between slide transitions and specify whether the carousel should pause on hover or focus.






Code Description
  1. Carousel (<div id="carouselExampleDark" class="carousel carousel-dark slide">):
    • This is the main container for the carousel. The carousel class indicates that it's a carousel component in Bootstrap. The carousel-dark class sets a dark theme for the carousel, and slide class specifies the sliding animation effect.
  2. Carousel Indicators (<div class="carousel-indicators">):
    • These are the indicators that show which slide the carousel is currently displaying. Bootstrap provides these indicators for navigation purposes.
  3. Carousel Items (<div class="carousel-item">):
    • These are the individual slides of the carousel. Each carousel-item represents one slide. The first slide has the active class, indicating it's the initial slide.
  4. Carousel Controls (<button class="carousel-control-prev" ...> and <button class="carousel-control-next" ...>):
    • These are the control buttons for navigating the carousel. Bootstrap provides previous and next buttons (carousel-control-prev and carousel-control-next) for this purpose. They are linked to the carousel by specifying the target (data-bs-target="#carouselExampleDark") and the type of action (data-bs-slide="prev" or "next"). The icons for the buttons are specified by the carousel-control-prev-icon and carousel-control-next-icon classes.

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Seção 4. Capítulo 5