This task isn't obligatory to complete the course!
You can write the code in the
file of the following sandbox. To see the rendered page, drag it from the right edge of a sandbox window.
- Change the font to:
for the heading;sans-serif
for the paragraph.
- Change the color of a text to:
for the heading;- white for the paragraph.
- Change the size of a font to:
for the heading;16px
for the paragraph.
- Add padding and margin to the heading and paragraph:
padding and20px
margin to all sides for the heading;10px
padding and20px
margin to all sides of the paragraph.
- Set the background color of the body to
Here is the result you should get. If you are having problems, you can drag the code part with a solution from the left edge of the sandbox window.
Obrigado pelo seu feedback!