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Inheritance | Inheritance
Object-Oriented Programming in Python
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Object-Oriented Programming in Python

Object-Oriented Programming in Python

1. Classes and Objects
2. Encapsulation
3. Inheritance
4. Polymorphism


Inheritance's main idea is to use already defined classes and produce new ones by improving and extending some other classes.

Some class Animal contains all common attributes and methods for all animals. The Cat class inherits the Animal class.


  • The common class (that is inherited by other classes) is called a superclass or parent class;
  • The class that inherits is called a child class;
  • The child class has all the same methods and attributes that parents have and can have additional ones, but not vice versa;
  • Each class in Python can have multiple parent classes and/or children's classes;
  • Each class in Python is a children's class of Object class.

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