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Recommendation Systems | Additional Applications of ARM
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Association Rule Mining

Recommendation SystemsRecommendation Systems

Recommendation systems are algorithms designed to suggest items or content to users based on their preferences, behaviors, or similarities with other users.

Principle of recommendation system

Association Rule Mining (ARM) is a technique used in recommendation systems to uncover patterns in transaction data. By analyzing user-item interactions, ARM identifies associations such as "users who buy X also tend to buy Y," enabling personalized recommendations.
For example, if a user has purchased item X, the system can recommend item Y based on this association.
This enhances the shopping experience by offering relevant suggestions based on individual preferences and behaviors.


Let's discover a code example that demonstrates a simple recommendation system using Association Rule Mining:

As a result, we can conclude that if a person has purchased all these items: {'beef', 'apples', 'bread'}, we can recommend them to purchase all the goods provided in the result of the code sample execution.

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Seção 3. Capítulo 2
course content

Conteúdo do Curso

Association Rule Mining

Recommendation SystemsRecommendation Systems

Recommendation systems are algorithms designed to suggest items or content to users based on their preferences, behaviors, or similarities with other users.

Principle of recommendation system

Association Rule Mining (ARM) is a technique used in recommendation systems to uncover patterns in transaction data. By analyzing user-item interactions, ARM identifies associations such as "users who buy X also tend to buy Y," enabling personalized recommendations.
For example, if a user has purchased item X, the system can recommend item Y based on this association.
This enhances the shopping experience by offering relevant suggestions based on individual preferences and behaviors.


Let's discover a code example that demonstrates a simple recommendation system using Association Rule Mining:

As a result, we can conclude that if a person has purchased all these items: {'beef', 'apples', 'bread'}, we can recommend them to purchase all the goods provided in the result of the code sample execution.

Tudo estava claro?

Seção 3. Capítulo 2