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Google Spreadsheets Tutorial
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Google Spreadsheets Tutorial

Google Spreadsheets Tutorial

1. Introduction to Google Sheets
2. Formatting of Cells and Ranges
3. Advanced Formatting of Cells
4. Sorting, Filtering and Cleaning Data
5. Creating Charts
6. Basic Functions
7. Logical Functions
8. Collaboration and Security

Autocompleting Cells

If you have the numbers 1 and 2 in the first two cells, Google Sheets will recognize the pattern and continue the series (3, 4, 5, etc.).< Instead of dragging, you can double-click the blue circle, and Google Sheets will automatically fill the column down to the last filled row in the adjacent column.

The table will continue the sequence (3/1/2024, 4/1/2024, etc.).

Google Sheets will automatically continue the series based on the entered data, and this will work for days, months, or years.

If you enter 1/1/2024 and 1/2/2024, the table will continue the sequence by month: 1/3/2024, 1/4/2024, etc.

What does the autocomplete handle look like in Google Sheets?

What does the autocomplete handle look like in Google Sheets?

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