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Aprenda Get Data | Introduction to Power Query
Excel for Finance
course content

Conteúdo do Curso

Excel for Finance

Excel for Finance

1. Introduction to Power Query
2. Advanced Data Manipulation with Power Query
3. Power Pivot Handling
4. Dashboard Automation
5. Developing an Interactive Report

Get Data

If you're a visual learner and would like to review or revisit the information covered in the video, here's an e-book with step-by-step explanations for you.

Here is the file we will be working on throughout the course:

Power Query not only helps connect various data sources but also prepares and cleanses the data. For example, you can add or remove columns, change the data type, and perform additional calculations—all nearly automatically.

Power Query also refreshes data in a matter of seconds if there are changes or new information in the source file. And all this is accessible even if you don't know how to code.

In the next chapter, we'll get acquainted with the Power Query interface and perform our initial transformations and preparation of raw data for analysis.

question mark

Which of the following data sources can Power Query connect to?

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