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Adding and Removing Elements in Arrays | Arrays
Introduction to PHP
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Introduction to PHP

Introduction to PHP

1. First Acquaintance
2. Variables and Data Types
3. Conditional Statements
4. Arrays
5. Loops

Adding and Removing Elements in Arrays

There are straightforward methods to add new elements to an array and remove existing ones. Let's explore these processes with examples.

Adding Elements to an Array

Adding elements to an array can be done using the [] operator to append to the end of the array or by specifying keys for new values.

Append to the end of an array:



In the example above, we initialize an empty array $array and then append three new lines to the end of the array using the [] operator.

Adding Elements with Specified Keys to Associative Arrays:



Here, we use strings "key1", "key2", and "key3" as keys for the values being added.

Removing Elements from an Array

To remove elements from an array in PHP, we use the unset() function for removing by index or key.

Removing by index:



In this example, unset($array[1]); removes the element at index 1 (which is "element 2").

Removing by key:



Here, unset($array["key2"]); removes the element with key "key2" (which is "value 2").

Using built-in PHP functions like unset(), and array_splice() provides a convenient and efficient way to manipulate arrays dynamically. These methods are essential for managing data structures in PHP applications.

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