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Dockerfile for a simple Flask Project | Docker for Flask
Docker for Python Developers

Dockerfile for a simple Flask ProjectDockerfile for a simple Flask Project

To package our project into a Docker container, we need an additional command: WORKDIR.

Code Description

The CMD command in Docker specifies the default command to run when a container is started from the Docker image.

In this case, the command is:

CMD [ "python3", "-m" , "flask", "run", "--host="]

This command runs a Flask application when the container starts.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • python3: Command to invoke the Python interpreter.
  • -m flask: Runs the Flask module as a script.
  • run: Flask CLI command to run the application.
  • --host= Specifies that the Flask application should listen on all available network interfaces.

The WORKDIR command in Docker sets the working directory for any subsequent instructions in the Dockerfile. In your case, WORKDIR /flask-app sets /flask-app as the working directory.

This means that any further instructions (such as COPY, RUN, CMD, etc.) will be executed in the context of this directory. For example, if you execute COPY /flask-app, the file will be copied into the /flask-app directory inside the container.

This is useful for organizing your project within the container and ensuring clarity about where operations are taking place within the Docker image.

What does the WORKDIR command in Docker do?

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Docker for Python Developers

Dockerfile for a simple Flask ProjectDockerfile for a simple Flask Project

To package our project into a Docker container, we need an additional command: WORKDIR.

Code Description

The CMD command in Docker specifies the default command to run when a container is started from the Docker image.

In this case, the command is:

CMD [ "python3", "-m" , "flask", "run", "--host="]

This command runs a Flask application when the container starts.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • python3: Command to invoke the Python interpreter.
  • -m flask: Runs the Flask module as a script.
  • run: Flask CLI command to run the application.
  • --host= Specifies that the Flask application should listen on all available network interfaces.

The WORKDIR command in Docker sets the working directory for any subsequent instructions in the Dockerfile. In your case, WORKDIR /flask-app sets /flask-app as the working directory.

This means that any further instructions (such as COPY, RUN, CMD, etc.) will be executed in the context of this directory. For example, if you execute COPY /flask-app, the file will be copied into the /flask-app directory inside the container.

This is useful for organizing your project within the container and ensuring clarity about where operations are taking place within the Docker image.

What does the WORKDIR command in Docker do?

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